Pricing and packages

Fits your needs.
Not the other way around.
Find more information about our packages and pricing. Click on the solution you’d like to learn more about.
We’re happy to provide you with a customized quote.
Für kleine Unternehmen, die alle DSGVO-Anforderungen einfach und umfassend erfüllen.
pro Monat*
Aufgaben & Kommentare
1 juristische Person inkludiert
Angebot anfordern
Für Unternehmen, die auf digitalisierte 
und effiziente Datenschutzprozesse setzen.
pro Monat*
Alle Funktionen von Essential
3 juristische Person enthalten
Angebot anfordern
Für Unternehmen, die einen hohen Datenschutzreifegrad erreichen wollen.

pro Monat*
Alle Funktionen von Professional
Risk Flow
Webformular für Betroffenenanfragen
8 juristische Person enthalten
Angebot anfordern
Für große Unternehmen, die Datenschutz erfolgreich in komplexen Strukturen steuern.
Alle Funktionen von Corporate
Audits an Dritte versenden
Customer Success Manager
Single Sign-on & IAM-Anbindung
Workflow für Konzernstruktur
Angebot anfordern
Pakete im Vergleich
Unbegrenzte Benutzer:innen
Unbegrenzte Dokumente
Hosting in Private Cloud
Juristische Personen inkludiert
Privacy Flow
Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten
Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungstätigkeiten
Dienstleister Compliance Check
Automatische Schwellwertanalyse
Verzeichnis von Verarbeitungs­tätigkeiten 
(Art. 30 Abs. 2 DSGVO)
Webformular für Betroffenenanfragen
Anpassbarer Workflow für Betroffenenanfragen
Online Rechtsbibliothek
KI-basierte AVV-Prüfung mit cara28 (pro Jahr)
Risk Flow
Identifikation von Risiken
Risiken verknüpft mit VVT & DS-FA
Bewertung von Risiken
Behandlung von Risiken
Risiken mit TOM und Gewährleistungszielen verknüpfen
Risikomatrix / Risk Heatmap
Audit & Vendor Flow
Vorlagen & Fragebogen-Editor
Audits im Interviewmodus durchführen
Versand von Audit-Fragebögen innerhalb des Unternehmens
Versand von Audit-Fragebögen an Externe
Verwaltung der Audit-Ergebnisse
Automatische Berichterstellung
Assessments im Interviewmodus durchführen
Versand von Assessment-Fragebögen innerhalb des Unternehmens
Versand von Assessment-Fragebögen an Externe
Verwaltung der Assessment-Ergebnisse
Vendor Reporting
Kollaboration & Assistenz
Fristen- und Erinnerungsfunktion
Konfigurierbare E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen
Rollen- und Organisationsverwaltung
Virtuelle Rechtsassistenz
Aufgaben- & Kommentarfunktion
Dokumenten- und Richtliniencenter
Intuitive Datenharmonisierung
Zentrale Ressourcenverwaltung (z. B. Rechtsgrundlagen, Aufbewahrungsfristen)
Empfehlung von Rechtsgrundlagen
Darstellung von Verknüpfungen
Compliance Dashboard
Rechtsgrundlagen & Aufbewahrungsfristen
an Organisationseinheiten zuweisen
Wiederkehrende Aufgaben (Wiedervorlage)
2 Sprachen
3 Sprachen
Bis zu 18 Sprachen
Whitelabel Branding
Verwaltung von Exportprofilen
Erweiterte Rollenverwaltung
Automatische Übersetzung
Anpassbare Hinweise in der Software
Sicherheit & 
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in DE)
Single Sign-on
Anbindung an Identity- and Access Management
Public API
Erstklassiger Service
Automatischer Import Ihrer
bestehenden Dokumentation
Konfigurierbarer Import
Konfigurierbarer Import
Unterstützung bei der Implementierung
& Konfiguration
caralegal Helpcenter
E-Mail Support
Kostenloser Telefonsupport
Individuelle Beratung
Individuelle Beratung
Dedizierter Customer
Success Manager

Sie sparen 50%

Wir machen es den Guten leichter. Dazu gehören unbedingt Sie mit Ihrer Arbeit. Darum zahlen Sie nur die Hälfte. Und profitieren doppelt: Mehr Zeit fur Ihre Mission dank einfachem Datenschutzmanagement.

Auf Wunsch
auch dabei

Ein Klick und alle verstehen Sie. Übersetzen Sie in Echtzeit in oder aus 28 Sprachen.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Schulungen für Mitarbeitende
Haben wir für Sie in petto: vom Marktführer für Schulungen im Rechtsbereich.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Online Rechtsdatenbank
Mit allen Top-Inhalten der Online-Bibliothek Owlit und von Fachmedien Otto Schmidt.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Premium Templates
Zeit sparen mit geprüften Vorlagen als gutem Start und Inspiration für Ihre Dokumentation.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Webformulare erstellen und schon landen alle Anfragen in caralegal. Verknüpft mit dem VVT.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Website Cookie-Check
Auf Klick analysiert caralegal die DSGVO-Compliance Ihrer gesamten Website.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
AI-Act Pioneer
Für Unternehmen, die frühzeitig Ihre KI-Governance und Compliance steuern.

pro Monat*
Technische Dokumentation
Customer Success Manager
Angebot anfordern
Pakete im Vergleich
AI-Act Pioneer
Unbegrenzte Benutzer:innen
Unbegrenzte Dokumente
Hosting in Private Cloud
Juristische Personen inkludiert
AI Flow
Technische Dokumentation
Informations- und Transparenzpflichten
Data Governance
Risk Flow
Geschäftsprozesse abbilden
Identifikation von Risiken
Risiken mit Geschäftsprozessen verknüpft
Bewertung von Risiken
Behandlung von Risiken
Risiken mit Maßnahmen und Schutzzielen verknüpfen
Risikomatrix / Risk Heatmap
Zusammenarbeit & 
Fristen- und Erinnerungsfunktion
Konfigurierbare E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen
Rollen- und Organisationsverwaltung
Virtuelle Rechtsassistenz
Aufgaben- & Kommentarfunktion
Compliance Dashboard
Dokumenten- und Richtliniencenter
Intuitive Datenharmonisierung
Zentrale Ressourcenverwaltung
Darstellung von Verknüpfungen
Wiederkehrende Aufgaben (Wiedervorlage)
Erweiterte Rollenverwaltung
Whitelabel Branding
Anpassbare Hinweise in der Software
Verwaltung von Exportprofilen
Sicherheit & 
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in DE)
Single Sign-on
Anbindung an Identity- and Access Management
Public API
Erstklassiger Service
Automatischer Import Ihrer
bestehenden Dokumentation
Unterstützung bei der Implementierung
& Konfiguration
caralegal Helpcenter
E-Mail Support
Kostenloser Telefonsupport
caralegal Helpcenter
Dedizierter Customer
Success Manager
Ein Klick und alle verstehen Sie. Übersetzen Sie in Echtzeit in oder aus 28 Sprachen.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Schulungen für Mitarbeitende
Haben wir für Sie in petto: vom Marktführer für Schulungen im Rechtsbereich.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Premium Templates
Zeit sparen mit geprüften Vorlagen als gutem Start und Inspiration für Ihre Dokumentation.
Vetrieb kontaktieren
Mehr erfahren
Data Protection
AI Governance
For businesses looking to easily meet their privacy requirements.

per month
Data protection core features
Tasks & comments
Admin training
1 legal entity included
Request a quote
For businesses relying on digitised and efficient data protection processes.

per month
All features of Essential
Deletion concept
Recurring tasks
3 legal entities included
Request a quote
For companies that want to achieve a high level of data protection maturity.

per month
Alle features of Professional
Risk Flow
Webform for data subject requests
Whitelabel Branding
8 legal entities included
Request a quote
For large entreprises who seek to successfully manage data protection in complex structures.
All features of Corporate
Send audits to third parties
Customer Success Manager
Single Sign-on & IAM connection
Workflow for enterprise structure
Request a quote
Compare our packages
Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Privacy Flow
Record of processing activities (RoPA)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Technical and organizational measures
Service provider management
Data breaches
Data subject requests
Inquiries from authorities
Service provider compliance check
Automatic threshold analysis
RoPA inheritance functionality
Deletion concept
Record of processing activities 
(Art. 30 para. 2 GDPR)
Webform for data subject requests
Customizable data subject request workflow
Online legal library
AI-based DPA check with cara28 (per year)
Risk Flow
Identification of risks
Linking risks with RoPA and DPIA
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Audit & Vendor Flow
Template & questionnaire editor
Audit assistance
Conduct audits in interview mode
Send audit questionnaires within the company
Send audit questionnaires to external parties
Management of audit results
Automatic reporting
Conduct assessments in interview mode
Send assessment questionnaires within the company
Send assessment questionnaires to external parties
Management of assessment results
Vendor Reporting
Collaboration & Assistance
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
2 languages
3 languages
Up to 18 languages
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & 
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Standard template
Standard template
Configurable import
Configurable import
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services
Customized consulting
Customized consulting
Dedicated Customer
Success Manager


Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Privacy Flow
Record of processing activities (RoPA)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Technical and organizational measures
Service provider management
Data breaches
Data subject requests
Inquiries from authorities
Service provider compliance check
Automatic threshold analysis
RoPA inheritance functionality
Deletion concept
Record of processing activities 
(Art. 30 para. 2 GDPR)
Webform for data subject requests
Customizable data subject request workflow
Online legal library
AI-based DPA check with cara28 (per year)
Risk Flow
Identification of risks
Linking risks with RoPA and DPIA
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Audit & Vendor Flow
Template & questionnaire editor
Audit assistance
Conduct audits in interview mode
Send audit questionnaires within the company
Send audit questionnaires to external parties
Management of audit results
Automatic reporting
Conduct assessments in interview mode
Send assessment questionnaires within the company
Send assessment questionnaires to external parties
Management of assessment results
Vendor Reporting
Collaboration &
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance Dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods
to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & Integrations
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services


Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Privacy Flow
Record of processing activities (RoPA)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Technical and organizational measures
Service provider management
Data breaches
Data subject requests
Inquiries from authorities
Service provider compliance check
Automatic threshold analysis
RoPA inheritance functionality
Deletion concept
Record of processing activities 
(Art. 30 para. 2 GDPR)
Webform for data subject requests
Customizable data subject request workflow
Online legal library
AI-based DPA check with cara28 (per year)
Risk Flow
Identification of risks
Linking risks with RoPA and DPIA
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Audit & Vendor Flow
Template & questionnaire editor
Audit assistance
Conduct audits in interview mode
Send audit questionnaires within the company
Send audit questionnaires to external parties
Management of audit results
Automatic reporting
Conduct assessments in interview mode
Send assessment questionnaires within the company
Send assessment questionnaires to external parties
Management of assessment results
Vendor Reporting
Collaboration &
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance Dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods
to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
2 languages
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & Integrations
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services


Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Privacy Flow
Record of processing activities (RoPA)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Technical and organizational measures
Service provider management
Data breaches
Data subject requests
Inquiries from authorities
Service provider compliance check
Automatic threshold analysis
RoPA inheritance functionality
Deletion concept
Record of processing activities 
(Art. 30 para. 2 GDPR)
Webform for data subject requests
Customizable data subject request workflow
Online legal library
AI-based DPA check with cara28 (per year)
Risk Flow
Identification of risks
Linking risks with RoPA and DPIA
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Audit & Vendor Flow
Template & questionnaire editor
Audit assistance
Conduct audits in interview mode
Send audit questionnaires within the company
Send audit questionnaires to external parties
Management of audit results
Automatic reporting
Conduct assessments in interview mode
Send assessment questionnaires within the company
Send assessment questionnaires to external parties
Management of assessment results
Vendor Reporting
Collaboration &
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance Dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods
to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
3 languages
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & Integrations
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services


Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Privacy Flow
Record of processing activities (RoPA)
Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Technical and organizational measures
Service provider management
Data breaches
Data subject requests
Inquiries from authorities
Service provider compliance check
Automatic threshold analysis
RoPA inheritance functionality
Deletion concept
Record of processing activities 
(Art. 30 para. 2 GDPR)
Webform for data subject requests
Customizable data subject request workflow
Online legal library
AI-based DPA check with cara28 (per year)
Risk Flow
Identification of risks
Linking risks with RoPA and DPIA
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Audit & Vendor Flow
Template & questionnaire editor
Audit assistance
Conduct audits in interview mode
Send audit questionnaires within the company
Send audit questionnaires to external parties
Management of audit results
Automatic reporting
Conduct assessments in interview mode
Send assessment questionnaires within the company
Send assessment questionnaires to external parties
Management of assessment results
Vendor Reporting
Collaboration &
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance Dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods
to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
Up to 18 languages
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & Integrations
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services
Dedicated Customer
Success Manager

Are you a non-profit organization?
Save 50%

We make it easier for those doing good work—and that includes you. That’s why you only pay half. Plus, you benefit twice over: more time for your mission, thanks to easy data protection management.
Additional features

Available upon request

Translation tool
One click, and everyone’s on the same page. Translate instantly to and from 28 languages.
Awareness trainings for employees
Brought to you by the leader in legal training.

Website Cookie-Check
With one click, caralegal analyzes your entire website for GDPR compliance.
Premium templates
Save time with verified templates—a solid start and inspiration for your documentation.
Data subject request workflow
Create web forms, and all inquiries go straight to caralegal—linked directly to your RoPA.
AI Act Pioneer

For companies that manage their AI governance and compliance in complex structures.
pro Monat*
Registry for AI assets and use cases
Technical documentation
Instruction manuals
Customer Success Manager
Request a quote
Data Protection + AI Act Pioneer
For companies that want to utilise synergies from data protection and AI governance.
pro Monat*
All features of your Data Protection package
All AI Act Pioneer features
Integrated assets, risks and processes
Leverage compliance synergies
Optional: Consultancy on AI governance introduction
Request a quote
Compare our packages
AI Act Pioneer
Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
AI Flow
Registry for AI assets and use cases
AI Risk management
Technical documentation
Instruction manuals
Information and transparency obligations
Data Governance
Risk Flow
Bbusiness process mapping
Identification of risks
Linking risks with bsuiness processes
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Collaboration & Assistance
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Compliance dashboard
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources
Template functionality
Display of links within the documentation
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
Extended role management
Whitelabel Branding
Customise instructions within the software
Management of export profiles
Security &
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in DE)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services
Dedicated Customer
Success Manager

Are you a non-profit organization?
Save 50%

We make it easier for those doing good work—and that includes you. That’s why you only pay half. Plus, you benefit twice over: more time for your mission, thanks to easy data protection management.
Additional features

Available upon request

Translation tool
Ein Klick und alle verstehen Sie. Übersetzen Sie in Echtzeit in oder aus 28 Sprachen.
Awareness trainings for employees
Brought to you by the leader in legal training.
Premium templates
Save time with verified templates—a solid start and inspiration for your documentation.

AI-Act Pioneer

Unlimited users
Unlimited documents
Hosting in Private Cloud
Legal entities included
Ai Flow
Registry for AI assets and use cases
AI Risk management
Technical documentation
Instruction manuals
Information and transparency obligations
Data Governance
Risk Flow
Bbusiness process mapping
Identification of risks
Linking risks with bsuiness processes
Assessment of risks
Mitigation of risks
Linking risks with measures and protection objectives
Risk heatmap
Asset management
Collaboration &
Deadline and reminder functionality
Customisable email notifications
Role and organisational management
Virtual legal assistance
Task and comment functionality
Document and Policy Center
Export functionality
Intuitive data harmonisation
Central administration of resources (e. g. legal bases, retention periods)
Template functionality
Recommendation of legal bases
Display of links within the documentation
Compliance Dashboard
Assign legal bases & retention periods
to organisational units
Recurring tasks (resubmission)
Whitelabel branding
Management of export profiles
Extended role management
Automatic translations
Customise instructions within the software
Security & Integrations
Hosting in Private Cloud 
(Open Telekom Cloud in Germany)
Two-Factor Authentication
Single Sign-on
Connection to Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Public API
First class service
Automatic import of your existing documentation
Support for implementation & configuration
Admin training
caralegal Helpcenter
Email Support
Free telephone support
Consulting services
Dedicated Customer
Success Manager

All i need is
more time caralegal

Experience caralegal
Set up in just 2 days
64 % time reduction
20 years of privacy expertise
Frequently asked questions


Is there a free trial period?

Yes. After a no-obligation product demo, we’re happy to provide you and your team with a free trial access to the caralegal platform.

Which regulations can I use caralegal’s data protection solution for?

The caralegal platform easily helps you meet the following regulations:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • New Swiss Data Protection Act (FADP)
  • United Kingdom Data Protection Act (UK GDPR)
  • Church Data Protection Act (KDG)
  • Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD)
  • AI Act

Additionally, caralegal supports the implementation of the following standards:

  • Standard Data Protection Model 3.1 (SDM)
  • ISO 27701

Who is behind caralegal?

caralegal GmbH is the developer and operator of the caralegal data protection software. The company was founded as a spin-off from the renowned data protection consultancy ISiCO Datenschutz GmbH and the IT law firm SCHÜRMANN, ROSENTHAL, DREYER Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mdB.

Where is the software hosted?

The software is hosted in Germany (Frankfurt) at an ISO/IEC 27001 certified data center operated by Deutsche Telekom (Open Telekom Cloud).
We make the legal way the lighter way
We believe regulations are meant to guide the world, not slow it down. That's why we’re changing how companies meet legal data requirements: intuitively, with the help of smart technology.
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