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Assess and mitigate privacy risks across your organisation

With caralegal's risk management software, data protection experts can effectively classify and control data protection-related risks.


Manage data protection risks across all processes - consistently and comprehensively.

Gain overview and control

Connecting risk management with your data protection management provides complete transparency of your data protection risks across all levels.

Set targeted measures

Link risks to protection goals and utilise established catalogues of countermeasures during mitigation.

Standardise workflows

Benefit from an integrated workflow between risk management, RoPA and TOM.

From risk identification to risk treatment

caralegal's risk management software enhances your data protection flow and enables data protection experts to have a holistic process for identifying, assessing and addressing risks to the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

Assign protection objectives while identifying risks for your data protection processes

Systematically and professionally capture risks

The risk management workflow accesses your data protection documentation and adapts to your organisational structure.

Assign protection goals

Link with data sources

Map company or group structure

Comprehensive analysis and evaluation of your risks

Risk owners translate the identified risks into a risk matrix and justify the assessment.

Risk assessment per protection goal

Add existing TOM automatically

Evaluate the amount of damage and probability of occurrence

Evaluate your risks based on existing technical and organisational measures.
Mitigate and manage risks comprehensively.

Document how you manage risks

Choose a method of risk management and assess the residual risk

Initiate new security measures

Use catalogues of countermeasures (ISO 27001, SDM)

Specify residual risk after risk management

Always keep all risks in view

Stay informed at all times and leverage the risk-based approach for performing improvements.

Utilise a risk matrix as a heatmap

Distinguish between enterprise-wide and processing-specific risks

Inspect risks for each processing activity

Leverage the risk matrix to continuously manage risks across your organisation.
Ensure effective control of data privacy-related risks

Discover firsthand how to seamlessly integrate your risk management into the data protection flow.

The advantages of our risk management software at a glance

Import of existing risks

With caralegal you build on your existing risk documentation.

GDPR-compliant derivation of TOM

Identify technical and organizational measures in accordance with Art. 32 (1) GDPR.

Customise with ease

caralegal adjusts to your organisation: record risks centrally or processing-specific.

"Many organisations implement TOM based on intuition, often disregarding data protection risks. With caralegal, you can identify and mitigate risks according to your RoPA, aligning with GDPR guidelines. "

Simone Rosenthal
Partner at ISiCO Datenschutz GmbH
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Gain awareness and control over data protection risks

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Frequently asked questions / FAQs

If you can't find the answers you're looking for, our Product team is ready to help.

What is a data protection risk?

The term "risk" is not separately regulated in the GDPR. However, Recital 75 of the GDPR provides a list of possible data protection risks that may result from data processing and lead to physical, material, or immaterial harm.

When do you need a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)?

The need for a Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) arises from Article 35 of the GDPR and must be conducted when there is a likely high risk to the personal rights and freedoms of natural persons. In particular, when data is processed on a large scale or involves highly sensitive data as defined in Article 9 of the GDPR, a DPIA is mandatory.

How do you perform a risk analysis in data protection?

Risk analysis includes risk identification, risk assessment, and risk management. In the first step, potential risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons are identified, which are then assessed based on the security measures already in place (TOM). This involves evaluating the likelihood of the risk event and the potential damage it may cause. Finally, in the risk management step, ways to further minimise the assessed risks are examined. This can be done through e.g. the implementation of additional technical and organizational measures (TOM).

What is the goal of data protection risk management?

The goal of risk management in the context of data protection is comprehensive control and, consequently, mitigation of potential risks to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. Risk management assists the data protection expert in finding and evaluating suitable technical and organizational measures in accordance with Article 32 of the GDPR and in continuous improvement following the PDCA cycle. At the same time, data protection risk management provides stakeholders, such as management or the internal audit team, with a transparent overview of the internal data protection organisation within the company.

What are protection goals?

Protection goals derive from Article 5 of the GDPR and help to systematically represent data protection requirements. These goals are derived from the Standard Data Protection Model (SDM) and include data minimization, availability, integrity, confidentiality, improbability, non-concatenation, and intervenability.

Why do I need risk management for the derivation of TOM (Technical and Organizational Measures)?

Article 32 of the GDPR requires a risk-based approach when determining suitable technical and organizational measures for each processing activity. Risk management enables the structured derivation of potential risks, identifies potential data storage locations or sources that may be affected, and helps define and implement adequate TOMs.

In what ways can data protection experts benefit from the risk management software?

caralegal's risk management software is directly linked to the entire data protection documentation, allowing you to create, assess, and manage risks within the same workflow. Access to pre-built catalogues shows standardised security measures (TOM) for each compliance objective, saving data protection experts valuable time in finding suitable TOMs.

Can the risk management software be used standalone without the data protection management software?

caralegal's risk management software is seamlessly integrated into our data protection management software and accesses processes and resources within your data protection organisation through direct linking. However, separate use of the risk management software is still possible.